2024 Congress Poster Submissions

Poster Submissions for the 2024 Congress are now CLOSED.

How to Submit

You do not have to be a member of Flux to submit a poster, but if accepted, you will be required to become a member. You may opt to submit a Poster only, or a Poster and a 5-minutes Flash Talk. Flash Talk presenters will also present their posters at the Flux Congress. All abstracts will be blind reviewed by the Program Committee.

Poster Abstract Submission Deadlines

Abstract submission open - February 15th, 2024

Abstract submission close - May 15th, 2024

IMPORTANT: Confirmations of accepted abstracts will be issued mid-June.

Poster Types

Standard submission: A standard abstract for data analysis that has already been completed for the study. The abstract should state the study’s objective, briefly describe the methods used, summarize the results obtained, and state the conclusions. Abstracts should emphasize the significance of results and general principals rather than describe common methods and procedures.

Pre-registration: Abstract for study that you plan to conduct (or have collected already, but not analyzed), and pre-register your hypothesis & data analysis plans. The data analysis should be completed before the Congress to include the results and conclusion in the presentation.

Data analysis plan: This abstract is similar to the pre-registration, but you are not required to have completed data collection or analysis before the Congress.

New this year: Flux will be limiting the number of pre-registered posters & data analysis plan posters to be 25% of the total number of posters presented. Additionally, Flux is requiring that pre-registered posters and data analysis plan posters are accompanied by a publicly available pre-registration posted to a site (e.g., OSF, AsPredicted) developed for the purpose of documenting pre-registrations. For data analysis plan posters, a published or preprint protocol is applicable for submission.

Submission Guidelines

  • Select a category that most closely aligns with your abstract.
  • Enter your contact name, affiliation/institution name and email address. Submitters will be the main contact for all correspondence.
  • Enter all corresponding authors in the order they should appear in the program. Please note - author names and affiliations will appear in the program EXACTLY as they are entered into the submission form.
  • Prepare an abstract title (255 characters including spaces maximum)
  • Prepare the abstract (4000 characters including spaces maximum)
  • By submitting an abstract, you agree to present at the Annual Congress, should your abstract be selected for the program.
  • You may submit multiple poster abstracts, but can only be first author on one poster.
  • Abstracts should not report findings published elsewhere prior to the meeting, although presentation of the work at a recent meeting (e.g., within a year) of another society is acceptable.
  • If submitting a pre-registered poster, be clear as to what is complete, what is in progress and will be complete by Flux, and what is planned.

Submission Categories

  • Attention
  • Brain connectivity
  • Brain function
  • Brain structure
  • Clinical populations
  • Education
  • Environment (stress, SES)
  • Executive functioning
  • Language
  • Learning
  • Mechanisms (hormones, neurotransmitter, physiology)
  • Memory
  • Methods
  • Networks
  • Rewards/Motivation
  • Society & the developing brain
  • Socioemotional processing