Flux Congress 2022
The Flux Society was excited to host the first in-person conference in 2 years! Join us in Paris to interact with speakers, poster presenters and sponsors. We have a record number of submissions in 2022.
September 6, 2022 Pre-Conference Workshops & Trainee Sessions
Universite Paris Cite
September 7-9, 2022 - Flux Congress
Sorbonne University
Scientific Program Committee
Chair: Anna van Duijvenvoorde (Leiden University)
Nikolaus Steinbeis (University College London)
Michelle Achterberg (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Joe Bathelt (Royal Holloway, University of London )
Jessica Church-Lang (University of Texas at Austin)
Juliet Davidow (Northeastern University)
Adriana Galván (University of California, Los Angeles)
Berna Gűroğlu (Leiden University)
Anne-Laura van Harmelen (Leiden University)
Teresa Iuculano (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Université Paris – Sorbonne, France )
Ethan McCormick (Radboud University, Nijmegen)
Kate Mills (University of Oregon)
Nora Raschle (University of Zurich)
Eva Telzer (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Code of Conduct
The Flux Society aims to advance the understanding of human brain development by serving as a forum for scientific discussion and educate the next generation of developmental cognitive neuroscience researchers. The success of this endeavour requires that we maintain a community where everyone is free to exchange their ideas in a safe, respectful, and fostering environment without bias, harassment (including sexual), incivility, or unprofessionalism.
The Flux Society Code of Conduct, below, reflects our Society’s values and our expectations for Society members and guests. While attending a Flux Congress, Satellite Meetings and any social event linked to the Flux Society, this Code of Conduct as well as the professional standards set by your home Institution or employer are always in effect.
1. Conduct should be free of biases regarding sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, cultural background, religion (or lack thereof), country of origin, disability, physical appearance, or other individual characteristics or expression. This conduct should be free of: stereotyping, undermining, using epithets/slurs, or acting in a threatening, intimidating, or hostile manner.
2. Members (and guests) should treat each other with respect. Flux Society has zero tolerance for sexual harassment including: any verbal or physical behavior that reflects unwelcome sexual advances or behaving in any way that another individual would feel that their boundaries have been impinged on. These unwelcome sexual behaviors include discussions, advances, comments, touching, propositions, social media communication, or display of sexual imagery. Particular care should be exercised by those with more senior professional rank so as to prevent junior members from perceiving that they are in an untenable or compromising position.
3. Discussions, including scientific, should be respectful, civil, professional, and constructive reflecting tolerance for disagreements and recognition of opportunities to learn from each other.
Thank you to our Sponsors
Conference Stats
#Delegates : 602
#Orals: 49
#Flash Talks: 15
#Posters: 404