Flux Congress 2020

The Flux 2020 Virtual Congress provided a forum for developmental cognitive neuroscientists to share their findings on
the development of brain processes that support cognition and motivation from an integrative neuroscience perspective to the largest audience in its society's history.


Click for Flux Full Program

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Click for Abstract Book

Huttenlocher Lecture:

John Gabrieli, MIT


Scientific Program Committee Chair

Jennifer Pfiefer, Oregon University

Host Committee Chair

Bruce McCandliss, Stanford University


Program Committee

Ted Satterthwaite
University of Pennsylvania

Katie McLaughlin
Harvard University

Damien Fair
Oregon Health & Science University

Bea Luna
University of Pittsburgh

Christian Tamnes
University of Oslo

Kevin Bath
Brown University

Eveline Crone
Leiden University

Dylan Gee
Yale University

Deanna Greene
Washington University, St. Louis

Sarah Whittle
University of Melbourne

Dima Amso
Brown University

Nikolaus Steinbeis
University College Lo

Claudia Buß
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Conference Stats

#Delegates : 760

#Posters:   263

#Oral Presentations:  55