Virtual Presentation Guidelines

Flash Talk:

As a flash talk presenter at Flux 2021 Virtual Congress, you will be required to send your pre-recorded video to information by Friday, September 10, 2021.  This video can be the same in your poster booth or a different video.  This is your choice.

  • Pre-recorded (5-minute) video presentation

Typically, your flash talk proceeds the time you have been assigned as a poster session, unless otherwise requested. 

Poster Presentation Guidelines:

Posters will be accessible for the duration of Flux on the Pheedloop platform while live poster sessions will take place at designated times on the Gather Town platform. Please note below the requirements for each platforms.

Poster Hall and Poster Booth–Pheedloop Platform 

Posters will be grouped in a Poster Hall and each poster presenter will be assigned a virtual poster booth that is searchable by keywords and poster numbers within the poster hall.

Your poster number, title, abstract and author list will automatically be uploaded to your booth.

You are required to upload the following information by 10th September:

  • A short (between 3 to 5 minutes) pre-recorded video presentation. We suggest that you summarize the following:
  • study’s objective and significance
  • methods used
  • results obtained
  • conclusions and implication
  • A PDF of your poster or a series of slides saved as a pdf

You may also upload (Optional):

  • Handouts/supplementary documents and any links to videos
  • Other web-based information in support of your poster

Poster presenters must upload all videos and documents directly to their “poster booth” on the virtual platform via their individual url.

Please note that Flux attendees have the option to leave chat messages in poster booths, so poster presenters are encouraged to regularly check their booth to reply as required.

Live Poster Sessions–Gather Town Platform  

Poster presenters will be asked to ‘stand’ at their posters at one of the three live poster sessions to directly engage with delegates, in much the same way an onsite poster hall operates. You will be assigned a specific session and a specific poster board/location in Gather Town.

The conference organizers will set up your poster board in Gather Town and will pin your Poster Slide Deck PDF to the board.

You are required to provide a Poster Slide Deck PDF by September 10:

This is hard deadline, if you provide us with your PDF after September 10, it will NOT be “pinned” to your poster board in Gather Town

The max number of slides is five (5)

Please name the PDF document according to the following format: “PosterNumber_FirstName_LastName” (e.g “1-A-1_Bob_Sacamano”)

To submit your Poster Slide Deck PDF, please upload into your Poster Booth on Pheedloop.

How to create and record your video presentation

Step 1: Create your presentation using PowerPoint slides

Please download the Flux 2021 presentation slide below to include as the title slide at the beginning of your presentation (include the title of your talk, your name and your affiliation)

Ensure that any graphs/charts/figures you include are large enough to be viewed on a screen

Practice going through your talk to confirm that the timings are accurate, and that the number of slides correlates with your allotment of time.  Remember to take a few moments at the start of your talk to introduce yourself, in lieu of a chair.

You may consider including a contact email address and/or twitter handle in your final slide, to make it easy for attendees to contact you with any follow up questions post event.


Step 2: Record your video

To record your presentation, you are welcome to use any platform you feel comfortable with (as long as the final file is in mp4 format). We have outlined instructions for two options, which are both user-friendly and free to use. Please click on the button below to review these options:


Zoom Option (preferred)

Click here to download PDF for full Zoom instructions


Powerpoint Option

Click here to download PDF for Powerpoint instructions


Zoom (Background)


PowerPoint (Background)