Poster Abstracts Submissions
Symposia Submissions are Closed
Standard submission: A standard abstract for data analysis that has already been completed for the study. The abstract should state the study’s objective, briefly describe the methods used, summarize the results obtained, and state the conclusions. Abstracts should emphasize the significance of results and general principles rather than describe common methods and procedures.
Proposed Analysis submission: Abstract for study that you plan to conduct (or have already completed, but not analyzed), and may or may not have pre-registered your hypothesis & data analysis plan. The data analysis should be complete before the Congress to include results and conclusion in the presentation.
Data Analysis plan: This abstract is similar to the proposed analysis, but you are not required to have completed data collections or analysis before the Congress.
Travel Award Application: Student/Post Docs are eligible to apply during the poster submission process.
You do not have to be a member of Flux to submit a poster, but if accepted, you will be required to become a member. You may opt to submit a Poster only, or a Poster and a 5-minute Flash Talk. Flash Talk presenters will also present their posters at the Flux Congress.