We are currently seeking a post-doctoral fellow to work on an ongoing study: Environmental bisphenol exposure, infant brain and behavior: Human and animal models.  The project is funded through the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS R01ES030950). The position includes 2 years of funding in the Environment, Brain, and Behavior Lab at Columbia University Irving Medical Center, within the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, with a potential third year depending on progress. The candidate must have EEG experience and an interest in studying the effects of environmental exposures on neurodevelopment.

The candidate will have an opportunity to work with investigators in the departments of psychiatry - division of child and adolescent psychiatry, developmental neuroscience, environmental health sciences and epidemiology, and the Columbia Center for Children's Environmental Health (CCCEH, https://ccceh.org). The fellow will contribute to the new research project and simultaneously acquire skills necessary for developing a career as an independent investigator. The position is intended for individuals who want to develop a research career fusing interests in brain development and adverse environmental exposures. Possible areas of study include but are not limited to: effects of early life stress (ELS) on the neural correlates of language and bilingualism, effects of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke or nicotine on infant brain development and attention function, or associations between environmental exposures, mother-infant interactions, and child neurodevelopmental outcomes.

The position is open now.

If interested, please send a curriculum vitae and note of interest to Dr. Amy Margolis: Amy.margolis@nyspi.columbia.edu